About the Trust

The Lake Taupō Protection Trust was set up in February 2007 to administer the $81.5 million fund to protect Lake Taupō's excellent water quality, which is under threat from the effects of past and current land use activities.

The trust is charged with developing a programme of work that will reduce the amount of manageable nitrogen leaching into the lake by 20 per cent.

It will use the funds to encourage and assist land use change, to purchase land/nitrogen in the Lake Taupō catchment and to fund any other initiatives that assist landowners to reduce the nitrogen impact of their activities on Lake Taupō.

Taupō District Council was appointed as the sole trustee of the trust on 30 June 2023.

The trust reports to the Government (Ministry for the Environment), Ngāti Tūwharetoa and Waikato Regional Council.

The Lake Taupō Protection Project Joint Committee comprises 2 representatives from Government, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Taupō District Council and Waikato Regional Council.

Statement of Intent

Project agreement

Trust deed

Presentation about the Lake Taupō Protection Trust

Trust funding

Trust funding comes from the Ministry for the Environment (45%), Waikato Regional Council (33%) and the Taupo District Council (22%). This funding provides a total of $81 million (incl. GST) over 15 years and will be reviewed after 5 years.

Download the Trust’s Funding deed

Annual report and financial statements

You can now download the annual report for the year ending 30 June 2023 and the audited financial statement.

2023 Annual Report